-- The Agda standard library
-- Homomorphism proofs for multiplication over polynomials

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Tactic.RingSolver.Core.Polynomial.Parameters

module Tactic.RingSolver.Core.Polynomial.Homomorphism.Multiplication
  {r₁ r₂ r₃ r₄}
  (homo : Homomorphism r₁ r₂ r₃ r₄)

open import Data.Nat.Base as           using (; suc; zero; _<′_; _≤′_; ≤′-step; ≤′-refl)
open import Data.Nat.Properties    using (≤′-trans)
open import Data.Nat.Induction
open import Data.Product           using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂; map₁)
open import Data.List.Kleene
open import Data.Vec               using (Vec)
open import Function
open import Induction.WellFounded
open import Relation.Unary

open Homomorphism homo hiding (_^_)

open import Tactic.RingSolver.Core.Polynomial.Homomorphism.Lemmas homo
open import Tactic.RingSolver.Core.Polynomial.Homomorphism.Addition homo
open import Tactic.RingSolver.Core.Polynomial.Base from
open import Tactic.RingSolver.Core.Polynomial.Reasoning to
open import Tactic.RingSolver.Core.Polynomial.Semantics homo
open import Algebra.Operations.Ring rawRing

reassoc :  {y} x z  x * (y * z)  y * (x * z)
reassoc {y} x z = sym (*-assoc x y z)  trans  ((≪* *-comm x y)  trans  *-assoc y x z)

  ⊠-step′-hom :  {n}  (a : Acc _<′_ n)  (xs ys : Poly n)   ρ   ⊠-step′ a xs ys  ρ   xs  ρ *  ys  ρ
  ⊠-step′-hom a (x  p) = ⊠-step-hom a x p

  ⊠-step-hom :  {i n}
              (a : Acc _<′_ n)
              (xs : FlatPoly i)
              (i≤n : i ≤′ n)
              (ys : Poly n)
               ρ   ⊠-step a xs i≤n ys  ρ   xs  i≤n  ρ *  ys  ρ
  ⊠-step-hom a (Κ x) i≤n = ⊠-Κ-hom a x
  ⊠-step-hom a ( xs) i≤n = ⊠-⅀-hom a xs i≤n

  ⊠-Κ-hom :  {n}
           (a : Acc _<′_ n)
           (ys : Poly n)
            ⊠-Κ a x ys  ρ   x ⟧ᵣ *  ys  ρ
  ⊠-Κ-hom (acc _)  x (Κ y   i≤n) ρ = *-homo x y
  ⊠-Κ-hom (acc wf) x ( xs  i≤n) ρ =
       ⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i≤n) x xs ⊐↓ i≤n  ρ
    ≈⟨ ⊐↓-hom (⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i≤n) x xs) i≤n ρ 
      ⅀?⟦ ⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i≤n) x xs  (drop-1 i≤n ρ)
    ≈⟨ ⊠-Κ-inj-hom (wf _ i≤n) x xs (drop-1 i≤n ρ) 
       x ⟧ᵣ * ⅀⟦ xs  (drop-1 i≤n ρ)

  ⊠-Κ-inj-hom :  {n}
               (a : Acc _<′_ n)
               (x : Raw.Carrier)
               (xs : Coeff n +)
               ⅀?⟦ ⊠-Κ-inj a x xs  ρ   x ⟧ᵣ * ⅀⟦ xs  ρ
  ⊠-Κ-inj-hom {n} a x xs (ρ , Ρ) =
      (⊠-Κ a x)
      ( x ⟧ᵣ *_)
      (*-cong refl)
      (distribˡ  x ⟧ᵣ)
       ys  ⊠-Κ-hom a x ys Ρ)
      (zeroʳ _)

  ⊠-⅀-hom :  {i n}
           (a : Acc _<′_ n)
           (xs : Coeff i +)
           (i<n : i <′ n)
           (ys : Poly n)
            ⊠-⅀ a xs i<n ys  ρ  ⅀⟦ xs  (drop-1 i<n ρ) *  ys  ρ
  ⊠-⅀-hom (acc wf) xs i<n ( ys  j≤n) = ⊠-match-hom (acc wf) (inj-compare i<n j≤n) xs ys
  ⊠-⅀-hom (acc wf) xs i<n (Κ y   _) ρ =
       ⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i<n) y xs ⊐↓ i<n  ρ
    ≈⟨ ⊐↓-hom (⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i<n) y xs) i<n ρ 
      ⅀?⟦ ⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i<n) y xs  (drop-1 i<n ρ)
    ≈⟨ ⊠-Κ-inj-hom (wf _ i<n) y xs (drop-1 i<n ρ) 
       y ⟧ᵣ * ⅀⟦ xs  (drop-1 i<n ρ)
    ≈⟨ *-comm _ _ 
      ⅀⟦ xs  (drop-1 i<n ρ) *  y ⟧ᵣ

  ⊠-⅀-inj-hom :  {i k}
               (a : Acc _<′_ k)
               (i<k : i <′ k)
               (xs : Coeff i +)
               (ys : Poly k)
                ⊠-⅀-inj a i<k xs ys  ρ  ⅀⟦ xs  (drop-1 i<k ρ) *  ys  ρ
  ⊠-⅀-inj-hom (acc wf) i<k x ( ys  j≤k) = ⊠-match-hom (acc wf) (inj-compare i<k j≤k) x ys
  ⊠-⅀-inj-hom (acc wf) i<k x (Κ y  j≤k) ρ =
       ⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i<k) y x ⊐↓ i<k  ρ
    ≈⟨ ⊐↓-hom (⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i<k) y x) i<k ρ 
      ⅀?⟦ ⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i<k) y x  (drop-1 i<k ρ)
    ≈⟨ ⊠-Κ-inj-hom (wf _ i<k) y x (drop-1 i<k ρ) 
       y ⟧ᵣ * ⅀⟦ x  (drop-1 i<k ρ)
    ≈⟨ *-comm _ _ 
      ⅀⟦ x  (drop-1 i<k ρ) *  y ⟧ᵣ

  ⊠-match-hom :  {i j n}
               (a : Acc _<′_ n)
               {i<n : i <′ n}
               {j<n : j <′ n}
               (ord : InjectionOrdering i<n j<n)
               (xs : Coeff i +)
               (ys : Coeff j +)
               (Ρ : Vec Carrier n)
                ⊠-match a ord xs ys  Ρ
               ⅀⟦ xs  (drop-1 i<n Ρ) * ⅀⟦ ys  (drop-1 j<n Ρ)
  ⊠-match-hom {j = j} (acc wf) (inj-lt i≤j-1 j≤n) xs ys Ρ′ =
    let (ρ , Ρ) = drop-1 j≤n Ρ′
        xs′ = ⅀⟦ xs  (drop-1 (≤′-trans (≤′-step i≤j-1) j≤n) Ρ′)
       poly-map ( (⊠-⅀-inj (wf _ j≤n) i≤j-1 xs)) ys ⊐↓ j≤n  Ρ′
    ≈⟨ ⊐↓-hom (poly-map ( (⊠-⅀-inj (wf _ j≤n) i≤j-1 xs)) ys) j≤n Ρ′ 
      ⅀?⟦ poly-map ( (⊠-⅀-inj (wf _ j≤n) i≤j-1 xs)) ys  (ρ , Ρ)
    ≈⟨ poly-mapR ρ Ρ (⊠-⅀-inj (wf _ j≤n) i≤j-1 xs)
                     (_ *_)
                     (*-cong refl)
                     (distribˡ _)
                      y  ⊠-⅀-inj-hom (wf _ j≤n) i≤j-1 xs y _)
                     (zeroʳ _) ys 
       ⅀⟦ xs  (drop-1 i≤j-1 Ρ) * ⅀⟦ ys  (ρ , Ρ)
    ≈⟨ ≪* trans-join-coeffs-hom i≤j-1 j≤n xs Ρ′ 
      xs′ * ⅀⟦ ys  (ρ , Ρ)
  ⊠-match-hom (acc wf) (inj-gt i≤n j≤i-1) xs ys Ρ′ =
    let (ρ , Ρ) = drop-1 i≤n Ρ′
        ys′ = ⅀⟦ ys  (drop-1 (≤′-step j≤i-1  ≤′-trans  i≤n) Ρ′)
       poly-map ( (⊠-⅀-inj (wf _ i≤n) j≤i-1 ys)) xs ⊐↓ i≤n  Ρ′
    ≈⟨ ⊐↓-hom (poly-map ( (⊠-⅀-inj (wf _ i≤n) j≤i-1 ys)) xs) i≤n Ρ′ 
      ⅀?⟦ poly-map ( (⊠-⅀-inj (wf _ i≤n) j≤i-1 ys)) xs  (ρ , Ρ)
    ≈⟨ poly-mapR ρ Ρ (⊠-⅀-inj (wf _ i≤n) j≤i-1 ys)
                     (_ *_)
                     (*-cong refl)
                     (distribˡ _)
                      x  ⊠-⅀-inj-hom (wf _ i≤n) j≤i-1 ys x _)
                     (zeroʳ _) xs 
      ⅀⟦ ys  (drop-1 j≤i-1 Ρ) * ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , Ρ)
    ≈⟨ ≪* trans-join-coeffs-hom j≤i-1 i≤n ys Ρ′ 
      ys′ * ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , Ρ)
    ≈⟨ *-comm ys′ _ 
      ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , Ρ) * ys′
  ⊠-match-hom (acc wf) (inj-eq ij≤n) xs ys Ρ =
       ⊠-coeffs (wf _ ij≤n) xs ys ⊐↓ ij≤n  Ρ
    ≈⟨ ⊐↓-hom (⊠-coeffs (wf _ ij≤n) xs ys) ij≤n Ρ 
      ⅀?⟦ ⊠-coeffs (wf _ ij≤n) xs ys  (drop-1 ij≤n Ρ)
    ≈⟨ ⊠-coeffs-hom (wf _ ij≤n) xs ys (drop-1 ij≤n Ρ) 
      ⅀⟦ xs  (drop-1 ij≤n Ρ) * ⅀⟦ ys  (drop-1 ij≤n Ρ)

  ⊠-coeffs-hom :  {n}
                (a : Acc _<′_ n)
                (xs ys : Coeff n +)
                 ρ  ⅀?⟦ ⊠-coeffs a xs ys  ρ  ⅀⟦ xs  ρ * ⅀⟦ ys  ρ
  ⊠-coeffs-hom a xs (y ≠0 Δ j & []) (ρ , Ρ) =
      ⅀?⟦ poly-map (⊠-step′ a y) xs ⍓* j  (ρ , Ρ)
    ≈⟨ sym (pow′-hom j (poly-map (⊠-step′ a y) xs) ρ Ρ) 
      ⅀?⟦ poly-map (⊠-step′ a y) xs  (ρ , Ρ) *⟨ ρ ⟩^ j
    ≈⟨ pow-mul-cong (poly-mapR ρ Ρ (⊠-step′ a y) ( y  Ρ *_) (*-cong refl) reassoc (distribˡ _)  z  ⊠-step′-hom a y z Ρ) (zeroʳ _) xs) ρ j 
      ( y  Ρ * ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , Ρ)) *⟨ ρ ⟩^ j
    ≈⟨ pow-opt _ ρ j 
      (ρ ^ j) * ( y  Ρ * ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , Ρ))
    ≈⟨ sym (*-assoc _ _ _) 
      (ρ ^ j) *  y  Ρ * ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , Ρ)
    ≈⟨ *-comm _ _ 
      ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , Ρ) * ((ρ ^ j) *  y  Ρ)
    ≈⟨ *≫ sym (pow-opt _ ρ j) 
      ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , Ρ) * ( y  Ρ *⟨ ρ ⟩^ j)
  ⊠-coeffs-hom a xs (y ≠0 Δ j &  ys) (ρ , Ρ) =
    let xs′ = ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , Ρ)
        y′  =  y  Ρ
        ys′ = ⅀⟦ ys  (ρ , Ρ)
      ⅀?⟦ para (⊠-cons a y ys) xs ⍓* j  (ρ , Ρ)
    ≈⟨ sym (pow′-hom j (para (⊠-cons a y ys) xs) ρ Ρ)  trans  pow-opt _ ρ j 
      ρ ^ j * ⅀?⟦ para (⊠-cons a y ys) xs  (ρ , Ρ)
    ≈⟨ *≫ ⊠-cons-hom a y ys xs ρ Ρ 
     ρ ^ j * (xs′ * (ρ * ys′ + y′))
    ≈⟨ sym (*-assoc _ _ _)  trans  (≪* *-comm _ _)  trans  *-assoc _ _ _  trans  (*≫ sym (pow-opt _ ρ j))
      xs′ * ((ρ * ys′ + y′) *⟨ ρ ⟩^ j)

  ⊠-cons-hom :  {n}
              (a : Acc _<′_ n)
              (y : Poly n)
              (ys xs : Coeff n +)
              (ρ : Carrier)
              (Ρ : Vec Carrier n)
              ⅀?⟦ para (⊠-cons a y ys) xs  (ρ , Ρ)
              ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , Ρ) * (ρ * ⅀⟦ ys  (ρ , Ρ) +  y  Ρ)
  -- ⊠-cons-hom a y [] xs ρ Ρ = {!!}
  ⊠-cons-hom a y ys xs ρ Ρ = poly-foldR ρ Ρ (⊠-cons a y ys) (flip _*_ (ρ * ⅀⟦ ys  (ρ , Ρ) +  y  Ρ)) (flip *-cong refl)  x y  sym (*-assoc x y _)) step (zeroˡ _) xs
    step = λ { (z  j≤n) {ys₁} zs ys≋zs 
      let x′  =  z  j≤n  Ρ
          xs′ = ⅀?⟦ zs  (ρ , Ρ)
          y′  =  y  Ρ
          ys′ = ⅀⟦ ys  (ρ , Ρ)
          step = λ y  ⊠-step-hom a z j≤n y Ρ
        ρ * ⅀?⟦ ⊞-coeffs (poly-map ( (⊠-step a z j≤n)) ys) ys₁  (ρ , Ρ) +  ⊠-step a z j≤n y  Ρ
      ≈⟨ (*≫ ⊞-coeffs-hom (poly-map (⊠-step a z j≤n) ys) _ (ρ , Ρ))  +-cong  ⊠-step-hom a z j≤n y Ρ 
        ρ * (⅀?⟦ poly-map (⊠-step a z j≤n) ys  (ρ , Ρ) + ⅀?⟦ ys₁  (ρ , Ρ)) + x′ * y′
      ≈⟨ ≪+ *≫ (poly-mapR ρ Ρ (⊠-step a z j≤n) (x′ *_) (*-cong refl) reassoc (distribˡ _) step (zeroʳ _) ys  +-cong  ys≋zs) 
        ρ * (x′ * ys′ + xs′ * (ρ * ys′ + y′)) + (x′ * y′)
      ≈⟨ ≪+ distribˡ _ _ _ 
        ρ * (x′ * ys′) + ρ * (xs′ * (ρ * ys′ + y′)) + (x′ * y′)
      ≈⟨ (≪+ +-comm _ _)  trans  +-assoc _ _ _ 
        ρ * (xs′ * (ρ * ys′ + y′)) + (ρ * (x′ * ys′) + (x′ * y′))
      ≈⟨ sym (*-assoc _ _ _)  +-cong  ((≪+ (sym (*-assoc _ _ _)  trans  (≪* *-comm _ _)  trans  *-assoc _ _ _))  trans  sym (distribˡ _ _ _)) 
        ρ * xs′ * (ρ * ys′ + y′) + x′ * (ρ * ys′ + y′)
      ≈⟨ sym (distribʳ _ _ _) 
        (ρ * xs′ + x′) * (ρ * ys′ + y′)

⊠-hom :  {n} (xs ys : Poly n) 
         ρ   xs  ys  ρ   xs  ρ *  ys  ρ
⊠-hom (xs  i≤n) = ⊠-step-hom (<′-wellFounded _) xs i≤n